KISMET partner meeting in Pori, Finland

KISMET - Sustainable Food Environments - project partners gathered 21st – 23rd May 2024 in sunny Pori to review the results and to plan the next steps of the project almost half way through the implementation of the project. KISMET project helps public authorities to create favourable conditions for food producers and consumers to choose sustainable food options. This is aimed at by developing concepts that can be used to promote sustainable local food production. Finland's early summer showed its best sides to the guests as the temperature rose to 25 degrees.
KISMET project partners visited Villa Lokari in Eurajoki (www.frescoravintolat.fi/villa-lokari) and Ahlström Noormarkku (ahlstrominruukki.fi/en/home-english) getting to know Satakunta’s food culture and food.
Lead partner of KISMET is City of Hamburg and partners are Södertälje municipality, Foodworks Association, Vidzeme Planning region, Vejle Municipality, Beras International Foundation, Tartu Biotechnology Park, ScanBalt, Public Institution Lithuanian Innovation Centre, Food Innovation Center, Prizztech Ltd., South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences (Xamk) and Steinbeis Wissens- und Technologietransfer GmbH. Regional Council of Satakunta is an associated partner of the project.
KISMET is funded by the European Union’s Baltic Sea Region INTERREG Program.
More information about KISMET: interreg-baltic.eu/project/kismet
More information of KISMET project implementation in Satakunta:
Sami Leppimäki, Prizztech Ltd., sami.leppimaki@prizz.fi