Testing HealthTech

11.03.2025 klo 14:00 - 15:00

Free webinar

Teknologian käyttäjälähtöinen kehittäminen on avain menestykseen hyvinvointi- ja terveysalalla. Tule kuulemaan esimerkkejä, miten Pohjoismaiset testbedit edistävät teknologian kehittämistä!

Connecting HealthTech and MedTech companies to Nordic Cutting Edge testing facilities 11.3.2025

Sign up for the webinar

Are you a HealthTech, MedTech or Digital health Innovator looking to expand locally or in the Nordic region? Are you searching for a shortcut to enter new markets? This webinar is your key to success!

Join our exclusive webinar to learn about how INNOVATE, TEST & EXPAND can become your ultimate go-to-market strategy. Discover how the Nordic Access project facilitates testing success across Nordics.

Nordic Access is revolutionizing the way HealthTech and MedTech companies access world-class testing facilities in the Nordics. Join us for an in-depth webinar where we will explore how this exciting collaboration helps companies streamline product testing, accelerate market readiness, and expand into the Nordic region.


15.00 Welcome & Introduction

Nordic Access Service
Nordic Access connects HealthTech and MedTech companies with testing actors across the Nordics.
Jukka Niiranen, Nordic Access, CEO, Arnora Oy, Finland

Nordic Access Testing Network, Finland: Satakunta Testbed & Wenla
Mervi Vähätalo, Senior lecturer, Health and welfare, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences,
Niina Holappa, Project Manager, Prizztech Ltd

Nordic Access Testing Network, Denmark: Aarhus Municipality
Mikkel Svindt Gammelgaard, Welfare Technology Consultant, DokkX

Success story of Finnish Company: A shortcut to a new market in Denmark via testing
Jesper Tana, Sales Channel Manager, YetiCare Oy

International testing experiences of Danish Company in Finland
Morten Kryger, Managing Director, Artplayer

15.45   Q&A

Closing remarks
Rozabela Singh, project manager Nordic Access, Arnora Oy, Finland


For more information Nordic Access or Mervi Vähätalo, mervi.vahatalo@samk.fi


This joint webinar is organised by Nordic Access Service in cooperation with Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, Prizztech, IKI project and TÄPS Project. Nordic Access is the service resulting from the One Stop Funnel project, co- funded by Nordic Innovation. Project partners consist of Aarhus Municipality Denmark, Region Västerbotten Sweden and Arnora Oy Finland.

TÄPS is funded by the Regional Council of Satakunta and the ’Supporting sustainable growth and vitality of regions’ funding instrument.