Checklist and instructions
It’s a good idea to learn about running a business before launching your own company.
If you plan to apply for startup funding (starttiraha) or have already submitted your application, please send your business plan and profitability calculations by email to Enter's business advisor before the consultation or bring them with you to the meeting. The calculations can also be prepared together with the business advisor, but you must draft the text portion of the plan yourself. You will receive guidance on drafting the business plan during the consultation.
If you have been running a part-time business and are applying for startup funding or an extension of the startup grant, you will typically need to provide up-to-date profit and balance sheet statements. Submit these documents as an attachment to your electronic application or via email to the employment area's startup funding advisor. If you have also scheduled a consultation, send them to Enter's business advisor as well.
You can find information about starting a business through the links and websites listed below.
Business Information Sources:
- | Information and services for starting and running a business.
- | (*In Finnish) Up-to-date information on running a business, forms, and calculation templates in Finnish.
- | Guide to starting a business is available in print from Enter. A new edition is published every February.
- Subscribe to the Uusyrityskeskus newsletter
Key Documents and Templates:
- Business plan structure
- Calculation templates on Uusyrityskeskus website (two different Excel templates). Enter’s advisors also use a simpler version (completed during the consultation).
- Financial planning forms are available on Yritystutkimus ry's website (T1, T2, T4, T5, T7). Scroll down to find english document links.
- Business ownership tools (Employment area)
Startup Funding and Benefits:
- Startup grant (Starttiraha) | Financial support for starting a new business
- Yrittäjäkassa information brochure 2025 | PDF
- Business permits and notifications
- Social entrepreneurship
Starting a business - classes in Satakunta:
- "Minustako yrittäjä?" (Business owner info sessions online and in person)
- National business owner info sessions (Uusyrityskeskus) *In Finnish and in English.
- Business courses (Employment area)
- Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK)
- Entrepreneurial apprenticeship training
Business Establishment and Registration:
- Business registration and name registration >> (Trade Register, Business ID, and Tax Administration registers)
- Registering a sole trader company (Toiminimi) via OmaVero (Business ID + Tax Administration registration. Operates under the owner’s personal name without Trade Register registration.)
- Business name service (Check if your business name is available for registration)
- Paper forms for business registration >> Y-forms
Business Support and Financial Assistance:
- Leader funding | Karhuseutu
- Business development grants | ELY Centre
- Initial guarantee for new businesses | Finnvera
Local Business Resources:
- Available business premises (Pori, Ulvila, Harjavalta, Nakkila, Eura, Eurajoki and Kokemäki) (*In Finnish)
- Satakanta business and service directory
- Permits and notifications for the City of Pori:
- General information on building supervision (*In Finnish)
- Health supervision (e.g., beauty salons, gyms, barbershops, tattoo studios) (*In Finnish)
- Food safety supervision
- Service voucher system >>
- Social and healthcare service provider registry (Soteri) (by Regional State Administrative Agencies and Valvira)
- For social and healthcare service providers
- Instructions for Soteri application
- Soteri registration fees: Price lists from Regional State Administrative Agencies and Valvira
- For private early childhood education providers
Additional Resources:
- Videos for guidance and useful links
- What is e-invoicing? (Link to Isolta's website)
Enter's services are provided by Prizztech Oy, Satakunta Entrepreneurs, and the employment services of Satakunta and South Satakunta, in collaboration with local cities and municipalities in the region.