Checklist and instructions

It’s a good idea to learn about running a business before launching your own company.

If you plan to apply for startup funding (starttiraha) or have already submitted your application, please send your business plan and profitability calculations by email to Enter's business advisor before the consultation or bring them with you to the meeting. The calculations can also be prepared together with the business advisor, but you must draft the text portion of the plan yourself. You will receive guidance on drafting the business plan during the consultation.  

If you have been running a part-time business and are applying for startup funding or an extension of the startup grant, you will typically need to provide up-to-date profit and balance sheet statements. Submit these documents as an attachment to your electronic application or via email to the employment area's startup funding advisor. If you have also scheduled a consultation, send them to Enter's business advisor as well.  

You can find information about starting a business through the links and websites listed below.  

Business Information Sources:  

Key Documents and Templates:  

Startup Funding and Benefits:  

Starting a business - classes in Satakunta:  

Business Establishment and Registration:  

Business Support and Financial Assistance:  

Local Business Resources:  

Additional Resources:  


Customer Information Form



Enter's services are provided by Prizztech Oy, Satakunta Entrepreneurs, and the employment services of Satakunta and South Satakunta, in collaboration with local cities and municipalities in the region.